Minggu, 12 Desember 2021

Digital Arms

Digital Arms - это торговая платформа NFT для энтузиастов огнестрельного оружия, игр и охоты.

NFT - это шоу, которое было создано, чтобы превратиться в шоу, которое люди могут использовать, чтобы получить свои модернизированные активы по развитию блокчейна. Используя разработку блокчейна, создатели контента могут отправлять свою субстанцию высокого уровня с продвижением блокчейна, где это автоматизированное вещество может быть продано в бизнес-сообществе, которое поддерживает шоу NFT. В настоящее время многочисленные создатели субстанций используют шоу NFT для своей автоматизированной субстанции в свете того факта, что с помощью этого шоу производители контента могут продавать свои субстанции высокого уровня еще более эффективно и безопасно в сети.


Поскольку создатели контента используют шоу NFT для своей модернизированной сущности, общий регион NFT аналогичным образом укрепляется каждый месяц, и Digital Arms использует это для отправки фазы, которая будет работать с оружием, играми и энтузиастами охоты. Progressed Arms приняла выставку NFT, чтобы иметь альтернативу, предлагающую клиентам этап с интригующими компонентами, которые будут работать с различными потребностями клиентов, например, торговля NFT, планы перевозчиков и т. Д.


Атрибуты NFT
- Высокое качество
Лучшее оружие NFT на земле, произведенное с использованием подлинного ПК, помогающего планировать (CAD).
- Дополните свое оружие аксессуарами.
Украсьте свое оружие оптическими прицелами, магазинами с ограниченными возможностями, зацепами и глушителями.
- Желательность
Неадекватные, собираемые и чрезвычайно востребованные NFT.
- Уникальный идентификатор.
Каждый NFT будет иметь необычный идентификатор, который позволит различным программам, например, компьютерным играм и метавселенным, исследовать данные и воспроизводить оружие в своей электронной среде.


Digital Arms - это предприятие, уходящее корнями в общую охоту и приключения с оружием, и группа Digital Arms развивает естественную структуру высокого уровня, ставшую возможной благодаря новому развитию Blockchain и совместным достижениям, которые работают и продвигают интересы наших соседей. фанаты.


Особенности Digital Arms
Общее право лицензирования NFT
- Имея глубокие корни в общей охоте и приключениях с оружием, Digital Arms наметила ассоциации с мировыми брендами хорошего огнестрельного оружия и кружев по внешнему виду NFT.
- Интеграция NFT с играми.
Каждый NFT будет иметь необычный идентификатор, который позволит различным программам, например, компьютерным играм и метавселенным, исследовать данные и воспроизводить огнестрельное оружие внутри своей высокоуровневой среды.
- Торговцы
Продавцам действительно нужно будет создавать свои собственные магазины внутри нашего заведения и показывать свои работы и предметы, где они могут распознать $ HNTR на всех или продемонстрированных вещах. В дополнение к этому, дилеры могут заплатить комиссию в HNTR за продвижение своего магазина или вещей через незаметные примечания.


Собрание Digital Arms будет работать с разнообразным климатом, который рассчитан на любителей интригующего оружия, игр и охоты. Наша естественная структура будет работать с токеном охотника ($ HNTR) в его середине, методом обмена, работающим со всем климатом Digital Arms. Естественная структура предлагает множество компонентов, организаций и вещей, в том числе:
• Не взаимозаменяемые токены (NFT), связанные с огнестрельным оружием • Бизнес-центр
высокого уровня (Digital Armory), который будет работать с торговлей NFT и другими модернизированными активами
• Hunter Token ($ HNTR), который предоставит нашим клиентам выбор дефляционных денег выборных дефляционных денег

Принадлежит $ HNTR
Цифровая оружейная - это середина оружейных любимцев и специалистов. Это пространство, где наши покупатели могут ознакомиться с оружием различных моделей, марок и оттенков, которое продается, покупается, обменивается и обновляется.
- Закупка недавно модернизированного оружия
- Закупка последнего - модернизированного дополнительного оборудования
- Покупка ультрасовременных скинов (Dskins)
Плата за переделку новой кожи
Плата за подготовку украшения
- Закупка NFT от различных клиентов
- предложение NFT различным клиентам
- Возможность использовать гаджеты и устройства геймификации


Digital Arms - это от фантазии до воображения взгляд на огнестрельное оружие и охотничью промышленность. Основная цель Digital Arm - создать естественную основу для любителей охоты и оружия, зависящих от технологии блокчейн. Естественная структура не только для людей, владеющих настоящим огнестрельным оружием, но и исчерпывающая для людей, которые ценят и рассматривают оружие как инструмент, например, для начинающих игроков-шутеров и искателей. Digital Arms намеревается делать то, что не было предпринято внутри бизнеса.

Веб-сайт:  https://www.hunter-token.com/


Имя пользователя Bitcointalk: TINGYANK NEING YEING
Имя пользователя Telegram: @TINGYANKNEINGYEING9
Кошелек: 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2




The Sports entertainment industry is a highly competitive and global business. With a large number of participants and a lucrative market, the industry is ripe for disruption. Digital collectibles are adding value to the industry.

SportsIcon creates the world's most advanced platform that facilitates transfer of knowledge, merchandise and faith-based digital collectibles that create an authentic community for Sports enthusiasts.

SportsIcon is a digital art collection platform that enables fans to deeply connect more with some of the greatest Sports legends around the world. The team is building the ultimate platform for fans to get closer to their sporting hero's. The platform will provide fans with a simple and safe way to learn more about their favourite athletes and also features a set of short films in which athletes talk about why they collect certain piece of art. In these films, hearing from athletes with connections to their own art collections is very inspiring.


SORTS ICON will seek association with all major sport and has partnered with top professional athletes from FIFA, MMA, NBA, NFL, MLB, and more. They will be the ambassadors of this project who will help drive its adoption.

Gianluigi Buffon (legendary goalkeeper) and Roberto Carlos, the former Brazilian and Real Madrid football sportsperson have already partnered with us .
We are happy to have you here


SportsIcon platform is an ecosystem of curated athletic content with the supporters in mind, whether they want to learn more about their favourite sportsmen, be inspired to pursue their passions or immersed themselves in visually stunning art, sportsIcon connect them with relevant platforms for further knowledge.


To help athletes display their personality more congruently with their movement, thereby help to develop immersive NFT videos and art throughout the moments of an athletes life. These allows fans of an athlete to feel closer to their idols by owing a piece of memorabilia of an Iconic moment t of the athlete's carrier.


SORTS ICON is teaming up with more of the world's professional sports stars from FIFA, NBA, MMA, NFL andMLB in football to drive its adoptionin their respective fields through a lot of social media power and crowdfunded activities.Roberto Carlos has been a hot property ever since he started playing for Brazil and Real Madrid, and Gianluigi Buffon is a household name in football. They're just a couple of the amazing names you'll find onboard, which makes us even more excited about where we're going next with SORTS!

SportsIcon is to set up the greatest sports club in the world known as LION CLUB, it will be a global club community with incredible benefits.


- launch exclusive NFTs engraved with players signatures
- Fans have the opportunity of meeting with greatest sports people of all time in person.
- Go out on real real world excursion with your favourite sports personal
- Get invited to VIP sporting events
- Zoom chats and AMAs with some of the greatest sports people in industry


The lion club uses the ERC-721 token
Total Supply.......30 000 000
Initial price.........$0.75
Initial MCap........$933,750


The mobile app allow users to have access to Iconic NFTs and can buy the journeys of some of the greatest sportspeople of all time, collect the journeys to unlock amazing URL experience and connect with vibrant sports loving community.


Athletes are awesome. They inspire us to work hard, play harder and to never giving up. They often do this by reaching incredible feats that no mere mortal could ever imagine doing themselves, but because of what they accomplish, they are held in high esteem not only by their countries but people all over the world who have taken notice of what these athletes can do. We like to inspire like them too - whether it's how one conquers an illness like cancer or even the tragedy of bullying among our youth - we want to leave a legacy behind for future generations stating that there should be no limit on what one can achieve except for the limitations one sets on oneself.


Project links
Website: https://sportsicon.com/
Telelgrame community: https://t.me/sportsiconchat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SportsIcon
Medium: https://sportsicon.medium.com/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mfAx4nzqEe
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwABtrFnRHMMM1k7zIf93w
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sportsicon/
Lion club: https://lionclub.sportsicon.com/
Lion's club NFT on opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/lion-club



Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550286
Telegram Username: https://t.me/TINGYANKNEINGYEING9
Wallet : 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2



Sharing is a fundamental human encounter, and the developing web-based media stages have opened uncommon roads for accomplishing this experience. Today, content makers can create for all intents and purposes everything from bulletins on Twitter to short-shape and long-structure recordings on YouTube, supported posts on Instagram, to viral dance continues on TikTok. The fast development of information on these stages has changed how clients track down accomplices, access news, and sort out to request political change. Outstanding development and tremendous reception in the mid 2000s saw web-based media networks uncover promoting and deals as their essential income model.

Customary web-based media networks have the right fixings needed to get a vigorous installment stage. Other than an immense client base that continues to increment dramatically, web-based media organizations can arrive at different topographical districts. They likewise have a recognizable (UI), and client experience (UX) highlights that can prod mass reception. Nonetheless, in spite of these fixings, cash move is a test due to the accompanying reasons :
• High commissions
• Security can be compromised
• Opacity
• Lack of standardization mechanisms
• Unilateral and obligatory standards forced by socialmedia organizations


Why Choose Mulierum?
High commissions passed down to content makers and merchants make conventional installment networks insufficient in tending to the business’ problem areas. Makers and merchants come up short on the dealing ability to arrange impartial payout terms in light of the fact that the installment stages have a restraining infrastructure. Likewise, the absence of normalization components across installment stages can contrarily affect functionalities, for example, information moves. This can make these stages dishonest for content makers and merchants to communicate fundamental information close by exchanges.

We are divulging Mulierum against this foundation. Under Mulierum, the entire area will acquire four priceless highlights: low exchange expenses, secure exchanges, improved straightforwardness, and a brought together payout framework. Dissimilar to regular installment frameworks that are solid, Mulierum is decentralized and driven by a worldwide, open-source local area. Mulierum will help web-based media stages process installments speedily by means of a Blockchainenabled innovation that doesn’t surrender control to an outsider.


Mulierum is a layer two Ethereum stage, a Blockchain-based processing framework that executes brilliant agreements. Utilizing Ethereum as Mulierum’s theoretical primary layer, we will carry out all the cash move includes on Mulierum straightforwardly through shrewd agreements sent and handled by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).


Diva Tokken Making Easier Financial Payments
In the end, online media clients will be paid by low-commission web-based media firms wherever on the planet. The Mulierum Ecosystem will permit clients and online media destinations to get to their assets without confounding commissions and methods. In light of Mulierum’s most recent age BlockChain innovation, DIVA guarantees web-based media organizations and purchasers an anticipated modest exchange cost.

DIVA is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 symbolic that manages stage utilization. DIVA tokens will be utilized to move cash between online media firms and clients immediately. Aside from exchanges, DIVA tokens will allow gatherings to trade fiat cash for DIVAs. DIVAs will likewise be utilized to remunerate decentralized hubs that approve exchanges on the organization. Since DIVAs are ERC-20 tokens, they will work flawlessly with many other Ethereum-based savvy contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

Mulierum Wallet
Mulierum Wallet is a center part of the stage. It is a powerful wallet framework that Mulierum clients can use to move assets from their online media records to different records. The wallet will have the accompanying functionalities:
• Generating new location on the Ethereum mainnet.
• Viewing DIVAs adjusts and sending exchanges too the wallets.
• Viewing exchanges and forthcoming deliveries.
• Viewing and marking stores in the organization.
• Creating installment demands and showing the masquick reaction (QR) codes

Website : https://www.mulierum.com/
Whitepaper : https://www.mulierum.com/docs/Mulierum-Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/mulierumforeveryone
Twitter : https://twitter.com/mulierumproject
Medium : https://mulierum.medium.com/
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/mulierumtechnology
YouTube : https://youtu.be/nQgJuwF-hCY


Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550286
Telegram Username: https://t.me/TINGYANKNEINGYEING9
Wallet : 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2




Potential purchasers of Aimedis digital assets (as referred to in this whitepaper) must carefully consider and evaluate all risks and uncertainties associated with Aimedis, its assets, its subsidiary business, the companies’ operations, the asset offering, the AIMX tokens and all information presented in this whitepaper and the Aimedis business plan, the technical documents and all information provided on all Aimedis associated websites and social media presences.


In case any of these uncertainties, risks or problems develop into actual events, the companies, the business operations, the financial state of the companies, effect and results of Aimedis operations and material provided with Aimedis could be materially and adversely affected. In case of one of these events you might lose part or all of the value of the acquired assets.

This business plan and its contained information shall not be considered legal, financial, business, tax or investment advice concerning Aimedis and its assets and its associates’ businesses and operations. Please always advise your own tax advisor, your legal or any other professional advisor or your local authorities when you plan to participate in Aimedis. Please always be aware that you might bear the financial risks of any participation in Aimedis for an indefinite period.


The business plan you are reading does not represent an offer document of any kind or prospectus and is not intended to illustrate a solicitation for investment in securities or offer of securities in any jurisdiction.



Ideally situated in the Netherlands, Dubai and the Philippines, Aimedis has a vast network of doctors and supporters who are actually establishing Aimedis as a key player in the healthcare environment, delivering services to a growing community of empowered patients.

Aimedis is offering international coding of diagnoses and medication correspondent to WHOstandards. Our unique solution includes seamless integration into the existing health IT environment and support for all major medical standards like HIPAA compliance, IHE compatibility, ISO certification, HL7/FHIR, SNOMED, LOINC, ICD-10, ATC and more. Besides Aimedis already is a registered medical product in the European Union. The Aimedis platform offers a complete e-health ecosystem consisting of several and expandable modules.

The entire platform is supported by our AIMChain 2.0 blockchain secured data structure which secures all parts and information that is shared and accessed in Aimedis. The ecosystem will use artificial intelligence in several ways (see Artificial Intelligence Supported Therapy, Diagnosis and Research).


The Aimedis ecosystem consists of the Aimedis patient centered platform, the professional platform, AIMSocial + user content (video and more), Aimedis Labs & Pharmacy, Medical Tourism applications, Aimedis records, video chat, prescriptions, second opinions, appointments and Aimedis Virtual Hospital, all available on web and mobile, multilingual and web responsive. This means Aimedis is not only a fully functional combination of a personal health record and an electronic medical record but it combines the HIPAA/IHE compliant EMR/PHR with a fully HIPAA compliant video bridge between doctors and patients, an electronic prescription module, an electronic appointment system, an electronic learning & teaching section, a medical video library, an AI backed big data evaluation, AI supported pharmaceutical treatments, a medical tourism platform and a social platform secured by our proprietary AIMChain blockchain to give patients security, 100% transparency and trust by securing each and every single transaction. This finally gives patients not a dead data silo but a fully trustworthy solution to bring their healthcare to a new level and make them the owner and director of their private medical data.



AIMSocial is our medical social media platform. It creates a space where patients support each other to live a happier and healthier life. Within this robust community, patients can share their experiences with diseases, effects of treatments and all kinds of information about health issues, wellness and nutrition. That’s where Aimedis finally combines empiric medical data with perceived data by the community bringing healthcare professionals together with the swarm intelligence of patient groups to reach new levels of medical support and quality.

We know of a variety of chronic diseases where in a lot of health cases people benefit more from talking with and learning from other similarly affected people than they do from talking to doctors and nurses. They can share subjective experiences with therapies, drugs and symptoms, as well as situations of everyday life with partners, family and environment. Learning to cope with a family member with dementia is a common challenge. After a diagnosis, caregivers begin looking for information and for others who have already dealt with the same experience for advice andknowledge. For those facing a harsh diagnosis or unexpected trauma and recovery, a community of peers becomes a lifeline to help to deal with the condition and navigate through new treatments and protocols.


The impact of health information delivered via mobile applications is vital, especially in regions with poor infrastructure. Many studies report significant drops in HIV-infections after people are informed about risks and prevention. Education and awareness can be enhanced by health professionals using the social media platform to reach out to people both near and far. Individuals that contribute useful information to others and create a community of followers will be incentivized. Building a community of responsible, supportive and caring people will be one of our major efforts. The Aimedis Social Medical Network also consists of medical influencers, that are doctors, nurses or healthcare specialists from other fields of healthcare to support patients via videos, streams, content and more. The Aimedis blockchain plays a major role when it comes to securing and incentivizing people for their efforts.



Medical tourism is emerging all around the globe, with countries like Turkey, India, Thailand and even European nations competing to offer a wide range of specialized medical treatments. These offerings are ideal for patients who want quality and cost-effective medical care. This trend towards medical tourism is driven by an increasing access to high-quality care and services in low-cost countries or lack of availability and affordability of treatments in a patient‘s homeland. How is Aimedis strategically positioned to take advantage of this unique situation?

We not only establish the connection between patient and care provider, but we also compare prices and get the best deal for the patient, making it easier than ever to find the care needed. We also store and keep all the related information inside the patients’ records and connect the patients’ treating doctors before, during and after the intended procedures. This practice ensures transparency for the patient inside the AIMChain 2.0 by making the patients’ data incorruptible and 100% genuine. It also guarantees the integrity and security of the transaction and the procedure for the patient, enhancing both safety and results.

Aimedis DataXChange - the world's first medical & scientific NFT marketplace


Decentralization, democratization and equity of medical data exchange - equally participating people - everywhere in the world of pharmaceutical trials and research at a new level.

Learn more about Aimedis' new AIMX token and the world's first medical & scientific NFT marketplace.



Aimedis is mobile and comes with lots of cool features

  1. Fully responsive: In every real browser
  2. Multiple languages: Also fully functional overseas
  3. Easy to use: Also for inexperienced patients simple & fast



ASSET TYPE: Token on Binance Smart Chain

MAXIMUM SUPPLY: 600.000.000 tokens

AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE: 135.000.000 tokens


10% DISCOUT : on services paid with the AIMX token

EMISSION RATE: No new tokens will be minted, created or mined after the sale


  1. Staking: 1 Stake = 200,000 AIMx. A min. of 200k AIMx is required to participate in staking program. Stake for 12 months, receive 12.5% interest in AIMx. E.g.: User A stakes 200.000 AIMx for 12months => 12,5% interest (25.000 AIMx Tokens). Lockup time for staking is at least 6 months.

  2. Burning: 2% of existing AIMx tokens are burned per year for 5 years. Afterwards decentralized governance will decide about the continuation of the burning program.
    Spending: AIMx gives patients/users 10% discount on services when used in payments. Healthcare providers & companies receive up to 50% discount on advertising costs on the platform, if they hold a min. of 1 stake (200k AIMx). Pharmacies can access business deals within the Aimedis ecosystem if they hold a min. of 1 stake (200k AIMx). Users can use AIMx to get enable social medical functions.

  3. Earning: AIMx rewards for social medical activities (users, creators, vloggers, influencers, moderators, surveys, focus groups); AIMx donations for Nonprofits or goodwill initiatives (Africa, Philippines, Malaysia); AIMx funding for creatives projects to spread awareness (HIV/AIDS, rare diseases, etc); Advocacy programs for workplaces (hospitals, clinics, pharmacies) where participants can raise their Aimedis score and AIMx to unlock premium features (e.g. staffing premium services); earn AIMx, perks, and premium access by building local communities as an Aimedis ambassador.



  • Q1 2020: Aimedis V2 Launched
  • Q2 2020: AIMChain 2.0 launched
  • Q3 2020 Aimedis platform registered as medical product CE certificate
  • Q4 2020: Aimedis V3 launched & apps updated
  • Q4 2020: Aimedis staff & HR launched
  • Q3 2020: Aimedis iOS & Android apps released
  • Q1 2021: New Aimedis blockchain protocol and AIMx
  • Q1 2021: Launch of Aimedis labs
  • Q2 2021:Launch of Aimedis Virtual Hospital
  • From 2022: Launch of Aimedis Social Media Network (AIMSocial)
  • Q3/Q4 2021: Aimedis eShop & Pharmacy
  • Q3/Q4 2021: Launch of Aimedis DataXChange NFTs & data trading


Contact Information



Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550286
Telegram Username: https://t.me/TINGYANKNEINGYEING9
Wallet : 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2





Lepasa is a mythological virtual life conceptualized by the team artists and engineered by blockchain enthusiasts. His vision is to build an ecosystem that allows users to create, experience, and monetize their content and apps. Every creativity on Lepasa is an NFT token (ERC-721) and is always owned by its holder on the ethereum blockchain, giving them complete control wherever and whatever they want to use it. Creature is a rare digital asset that is non-exchangeable, transferable, stored in Ethereum smart contracts.

Recently it has garnered great interest of people in the virtual world of the world, both for fun and experience. Unlike other virtual properties, Lepasa is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single authority with the power to change the rules of the software, content, token economy, or prevent others from accessing it. This document describes the ideology, technical establishment, and economics of Freelancing.



Lepasa's vision, is to create a mythological world that is a beautiful legendary habitat. Which will offer a social experience with an economy driven by subsoil and unique creatures of the owner, with content distribution. Developers will be able to build apps on top of Freelance, distribute them to users, and monetize them.


In future projects it may be possible to implement peer-to-peer communication, scripting systems for interactive content, and cryptocurrency payment systems for transactions in the world. Communication layer for social experience, providing positioning, posture, voice chat, and more; This can be achieved with a P2P network. A script system is a tool that landowners can use to describe the behavior and interactions of 3D objects, sounds, and applications running on land blocks.


The planned zone and its above-ground development capabilities will make the Lepasa block of land unique. Each land block will be defined with a unique address with the special characteristics of the area. This will help for spatial discovery of new content and creation of custom themes. Blocks in Lepasa have improved proximity counts. In addition, adjacent content beams can be seen from a distance. For content creators, the formation of zones providing access to targeted traffic; for the end user, it allows discovery of themed experiences. Users can travel through the environment and interact with applications that they stumble. Developers can acquire users by buying land in high-interest areas. This will allow a secondary market to develop around land ownership and leasing, as it already is happened to another virtual world project.


Possible Use Cases

  • Applications & Games: The scripting language would allow to develop the applications, games, gambling, and dynamic 3D scenes and to handle a wide range of capabilities, including creating objects, loading textures, handling physics, encoding user interactions, sounds, payments, and external calls, among others.

  • Advertising: Brands may advertise using billboards near, or in, high-interest land blocks to promote their products, services, and events. Some neighbourhoods may become virtual versions of prominent locations for advertisers because of high interest of users. Additionally, brands may showcase products, services and create shared experiences to engage with their audience.

  • Digital Collectibles (NFT): We expect users to publish, distribute, and collect rare digital assets issued by Lepasa and the other blockchain projects by their creators. Just as it occurs today in other virtual worlds or through online forums, these digital assets would be traded inside this world through the scripting system and be backed by the aforementioned naming system.



The emergence of major social media platforms, such as Facebook and Tiktok has enabled hundreds of millions of users to gather, interact, share content, and play games. All these platforms are controlled by a centralized organization. Lepasa aims to build a platform that allows its content creators to own and capture the full value of their contributions.

Crypto asset adoption is still in its early stages, blockchain based infrastructure makes it robust for creators and holders. Since then, While the blockchain infrastructure, pioneered by Ethereum, It is easier and more stable for developers to build more secure applications through Lepasa. Blockchain technology makes virtual reality more scalable and a logical business opportunity. There may be endless possibilities and imaginations.

NFT Overview

Non-Fungible Tokens are a new and exciting product in the luxury market. As the crypto community is blessed in terms of scrutiny, But the current offering is not mature enough to monetize the market.

NFT is still in its early stages in many aspects. And there are many strong use case for potential business in the current situation ie.

  • A. Art
  • B. Virtual Land
  • C. Gaming
  • D. Animated Collectibles

These four categories are considered most promising being NFTs and In the future Lepasa shall serve all of them.



Lepasa legendaries are exclusively crafted for the Lepasa community and can be grabbed with $LEPA tokens only.

  • High Liquidity: The $LEPA token provides enough liquidity to project for swapping between NFT and token

  • Hyper Deflation: Each swap burns $LEPA token, that ensures continuous scarcity.

  • Staking: Hold $LEPA tokens and stake to earn rewards.

  • Crosschain: Access $LEPA on multiple public blockchains.



It is important for you to know the token economy and how we will use the funds.

  • Total Supply: 100 M

  • Initial Circulating Supply: Less then 10%

  • Listing Price: $0.15

  • Publicc Sale: $0.10


Token Distribution

Everything you want know about Lepasa Token Distribution.

  • 1 % Public sale - Price: $0.10

  • Listing Price - $0.15

  • Strategic & Private Distribution - 10% shall be vested on-listing, Then daily vesting over a period of 365 days.

  • Foundational Reserve - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.

  • Marketing & Business Development - 10% vested on listing, Then daily vesting over 365 days.

  • Liquidity - 10% of the total supply is allocated for liquidity.

  • Team - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.

  • Advisors - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.

Fund Usage

This is how the funding is going to be used.

  • 40% of the funds will be used to support the development.

  • Marketing actions such as go-to market strategy will account for 20% of the total funds raised.

  • Legal and Accountancy will represent 10% of the total funds raised.

  • 30% of funds will be used to provide liquidity to exchanges.

Contact Information

Website: https://www.lepasa.com/

WhitePaper: https://www.lepasa.com/assets/docs/whitepaper.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lepasaorg

Telegram: https://t.me/lepasa_discuss

Medium: https://lepasa.medium.com/



Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2550286
Telegram Username: https://t.me/TINGYANKNEINGYEING9
Wallet : 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2


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