Selasa, 26 Januari 2021



NEXT is a UAE based company with presence in US also, actively reprogramming and adapting popular robotic platforms as corobots, to assist humans in retail and commercial workplaces. Since they started implementing robotic projects, they have identified complexities in customization across various platforms, requiring proficiency and coordination among various application builders. Based on those needs, NEXT has developed NEXT protocol for Robotics which is Blockchain and DeFi driven.


NEXT Protocol allows easy publication of Robot Services using our Robots (NEXTiBOTs) and other OEM Robots, enable the Robots to run with its own tokens (deploy and Mint business specific ERC20 robo tokens) & sell these Robot services in marketplaces. Each robot earnings can also be shared with the Token holders who would stake their Robot Tokens for yield.


NEXTiBOTs, powered by NEXT Protocol are here to engage your customers intimately while limiting human contact, Interact with customers and staff to share information and enable telepresence to work together while staying apart. NEXTiBOT is enabling the future of robot interactions using NEXT tokens for fractional robot ownership, decentralized control, programming & operations of robot swarms.


NEXT PROTOCOL EcoSystem powers our NEXTiBOTs
Our vision for the robot is to create an ecosystem which will be beneficial for all the stakeholders

1. Developer Community
Create a community of developers and bring ideas to market fast. Sign up for NEXTiBOT account to collaborate with other people in the community

2. Robot industry stake holders
Work with Robo consortium, CSR organizations and Physically challenged community to build robotics solution for social cause.

3. The Robot Users
Corporate Users
Home Users
Govt Entities
4. Resellers
Signup with resellers around the world. They will be also trained to support the robots and do maintenance services, if required.

5. Development and SI Partners
Cooperate with other develoment houses and reduced the time of custom development and addition of new requirements.


R&D and Industry Membership
Since the founding of NEXTiBOT, we actively engaged in R&D activities although we didn't have a dedicated team since we were a smaller company back then. Some employees from Tech Teams (Analytics, Data Processing, AI & NLP) were engaging in research, but no one except for Joseph Paul, was occupied by R&D activities full time. We eventually decided to create a separate R&D Team. The new team combined new employees experienced in bringing science results to business as a part of industrial R&D teams, enriched with members from other teams who knew a lot about the robotic solutions.


We never bothered about the humanoid appearance and our focus is more about the functional aspects of the robot.

We also introduced Tech Talks, where R&D (as well as other tech teams) share their knowledge with the rest of the company.


Our Goal on R&D
A deep understanding of developing stable and functional finished products.
A commitment to continual learning and maintaining a solid understanding of the evolving landscape.
Access to the best and latest technology.


Various opportunities are prevailing for NEXTiBOT in the robot markets. The sector is new and there are not many companies who are providing high quality robots to customers which are affordable and matching the current post Covid business needs. There is a clear gap and NEXTiBOT has already identified the needs of the people, devised innovative solutions and currently in the process of finding customers who are looking at robotic solutions to make their work environment safer. We see great opportunity for NEXTiBOT for penetration to increase its market share and become the undisputed leader in Middle East and Africa market.


Permissionless, compliant, and first-of-its-kind to build a DeFi powered Robot economy
NEXT Token provides token holders with a simple, intelligent, and user-friendly method to move early into the burgeoning Robo economy. By owning the tokens, you get a chance in using them when companies and developers build and deploy Robots for consumer and business use cases, leveraging the current Covid business need and the permissionless, unrestricted token issuance of Ethereum.


Investing with NEXT Tokens also means low maintenance asset ownership, access to cash flows related to the robot (e.g., rent), & frictionless ownership transactions as companies who build these robots commit to pass on 50% of the rental yields of the robots into the ecosystem of NEXT token holders for the first year. And most importantly being ERC-20 token, you can sell your tokens whenever you want.

1. Unique Tokens
Representative Ownership of each Robot built on NEXT Protocol is distributed across a finite number of NEXT tokens. Based on token staked, owners can collect revenue from rent of these robot, and vote on Robot work and deployment decisions.

2. Asset Managed Professionally
Each robot built on NEXT Protocol can have an asset management company managing its revenues on token owner's behalf. This asset management company sources projects, rents the robot, collects rent, and manages repairs, so the diverse group of NEXT Token owners don't have to take any hassles.

3. Token enabled with Edge Computing
With Blokchain driven Robot Registry, we know when these robots are being used. When they are idle the Hexa Core processors of the robots are used as edge computing problem solving nodes, to earn rewards passed back to token holders.

4. Staking enabled Rent Payments
Owning robots with Representative NEXT Tokens allows you to collect quarterly/monthly rent sent in crypto to your KYC verified account. Rent is paid using a US-Dollar stablecoin, sent directly to the Ethereum wallet that owns the NEXT Token.


Token sale
Softcap: $100,000 - $0.10

Hardcap: $ 500,000 - $0.10

Total: $ 500,000

25%:  Liquidity Locked and No Minting for Investor Safety


Distribution of Token
Public Sale:  25% 

Ecosystem:  20%

Foundation:  15% 

Marketing:  5%

Bounty & Airdrop:  5% 

Team:  10% 

Liquidity for Exchange Listing:  20% 

Total:  100%


Product Development: 20% 

Sales & Marketing: 20% 

Global Operations: 15% 

Legal & Finance: 10% 

Liquidity: 25% 

Ecosystem Support: 10% 

Total: 100%


NEXT Token Staking Yields
Fractional Ownership

No of NEXTiBOT Robots put up for Fractional Ownership – 100
Each NEXTiBOT has $5000 yearly rental
So Rental coming yearly as $50,000 *


IT Functionality
NEXT Protocol Integration on 3rd Party Hardware

Business Functioanlity
Visitor Management Software

Partnership Product Manufacturers

Middle East

IT Functionality
Mobile App for Robot Control

Business Functioanlity
Carry Robot
Docu Robot

Robo Consortium

Middle East

IT Functionality
Integrated IoT features in NEXT Protocol

Business Functioanlity
CSR Activities

CSR Activities

Far East
Middle East

IT Functionality
Integrated IOT with Mobile Apps

Business Functioanlity
IAQ Robot

Partnership with Resellers

Indian SubContinent
Far East
Middle East

IT Functionality
Integrate Home Automation NEXT Protocol

Business Functioanlity
Medic Robot

Edge Computing and Problem Solving

Middle East

IT Functionality
NEXTiBOT App work will be introduced

Business Functioanlity
Doctor Robot


Middle East


Shaik Hamdan - Director
Christian Rakondontrasima - Sr. Robotics Engineer
John Barton - Non-Executive Director & Digital Advisor
Yvonne Mather - Marketing Head
Joseph Paul - R & D Head
Athira Ravindran - Operations Head


For more information:


Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
Telegram Username:
Bitcointalk url:;u=2550286
Wallet address: 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2

Rabu, 20 Januari 2021



CLEVER is a DEFI (Decentralized Finance) Protocol which distributes AUTOMATIC INTEREST PAYMENTS to all CLVA Token Holders on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule over 888 fortnightly cycles taking exactly 34.15 years to complete. The CLEVER Token (CLVA) is deployed with verifiable fundamentals to outpace Bitcoin within a validated preset structure reaching a Maximum Supply of One Trillion CLVA over the full 34.15 year cycle period.


How It Works
No Contract, Terms or Staking Needed : Your CLVA will NEVER be entered into any term contract or staking period whatsoever.We who support this project definitely will doing to receive a lots of benefits from the ecosystem. We are with the project at the.
No Penalties Forever : Buy or sell clva project is getting more popular each and everyday.There is high probability that the project will become a market leader with the great team work.The idea surely beneficial for all.
No Lock-In's or Restrictions : You always have the FREEDOM to move or send your CLVA anywhere within cycles! Your Crypto is your Crypto always. team is made up of professionals with lots of experiences that would ensure the success of the project.
Free Market Conditions : We just launched the first exchanges, a few days ago. and you ask about the next exchanges. Be patient please, we will be developed each of our progress gradually according to our roadmap. Stay tuned for the next progress we are making CLEVER is a 100% Pure DeFi Protocol so from Day 1 we separate greed completely from issuing any free CLVA to ourselves VS other Cryptocurrency teams whom have a personal agenda to sell their own tokens on the market to unsuspecting buyers.


Project Advantages
Automatic Payments : Everything Happens On-Chain with No Requirement for User Intervention Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.
Every Wallet Earns : Up to 11% Paid Fortnightly Guaranteed with Compound Interest to CLVA Token Holders
888 Fortnightly Cycles : Every 14 Days Like Regular Clockwork Distribution of Newly Minted CLVA is Awarded
Safe & Secure : CLEVER is a DEFI protocol with an Automatic Cycle Schedule hard coded into the Smart Contract itself Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.
Verified & Audited : Smart Contract Fully Verified And CLEVER Protocol Audited by BlockHunters
ZERO Initial Supply : Every CLVA requires minting by a user and as such the CLEVER DEFI Team owns no supply since most of the early was provided by early provider investors, and the team and the OpCo operating company, it was decided altruistically to put the supply back into the AMM ecosystem so that everyone can earn.

CLVA Token
Token Name : CLEVER
Ticker : CLVA
Initial Supply : 0
Maximum Supply : 1 Trillion


To get more accurate information

Website :
Whitepaper :
Facebook :
Telegram :
Twitter :
Youtube :
LinkedIn :


Bitcointalk Username :

Bitcointalk Profile Link :;u=2550286
ETH Wallet Address : 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2

sVault Finance is DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform

sVault Finance is DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform

sVault Finance is DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform. sCORE token is a decentralized staking platform that provides passive income to its investors by distributing rewards to users according to the amount of token staked and the retention time of the tokens on the staking platform. In addition, to yield farming strategies via smart contract sCORE provides security services for inexperienced users as a DeFi gateway and shows all on Blockchain to users for transparency purposes. sCORE can be easily integrated with DEX or other platforms for yield farming infra-structure and commission rebates. sCORE token can be used for staking, farming, fee rewards, voting and governance in the sVault Finance platforms.


Farming: 1% fee from each transaction is distributed amongst all holders. Percentage received by holders is directly proportional to the amount of token held in wallet at the time of reward.


Every holder automatically receives their own share of the fee. Payment is automated- No central party is assigned with distribution.


The revenues from stake, unstake and farming transactions are distributed to the stakers and a small part of them is burned. Thus, it aims to increase the passive income it provides to its investors by further reducing the supply.


In the sCORE staking platform, the next node creator or block generator is chosen via a specific formula where the node creator must bet their sCORE token, so we use random to predict the submission. Create later using the formula to find the lowest hash value associated with the size of the stake.

So we try to achieve fairness instead of POW, where wealthy miners earn all the money. Since the stakes are public, each node can be predicted with reasonable precision that the next account will gain the right to forge the block.


The deposit reward will be provided by sVault dAPP instead of the user who is making the transaction. sVault uses Proof-of-Stake as a consensus mechanism. In Proof-of-Stake, to become a node validator, they need to stake their sCORE Token in order to be elected as the next node validator. Thus, sCORE Tokens will be given to the community of people who bet on their tokens.


The structured sVault Finance platform can be connected to a wallet, and investors can easily bet their tokens on the app. In the early phase of the project i.e. on the sVault Finance platform, investors can transfer their tokens to their wallet or another platform at any time without token locking time.


In sVault Finance, the lending and borrowing will be supported only for specific assets and the sCORE token holders will be having the right to vote what other tokens are to be supported for lending and borrowing on sVault Finance. Each vote costs on sCORE Token.


In sCORE, the users can provide liquidity to the stake and farming pool. Users shouldn’t lock sCORE in the pool. The user provide liquidity will be receiving liquidity incentive mining rewards.

These rewards are provided in the form of sCORE Tokens.


Interest Account aims to give you high-yield returns as fast and as easy as possible. That’s why our new product is one of the most intuitive and accessible in our portfolio.


You are guaranteed to earn a fixed interest on your asset. Watch your savings grow every day, withdraw whenever you want. Money works for you 24/7, even while you sleep.


Your funds are never locked as it often happens with a traditional bank savings account. You are free to withdraw the funds at any time with a single click.


To generate profitability, HOLD or use the trade option within the exchanges where SCORE is available! Enjoy the DeFi technology to optimize your earnings.

Token Name: sVault.Finance

Token Type: BEP20 – Binance Smart Chain

Symbol: sCORE

Decimals: 18

Total Supply: 10,000,000 sCORE


Ecosystem: 30% (Staking 15%, Farming 15% will be locked until November 2022)

Team: 3% (are locked for 20 months, and 5% will be released every month.)

Marketing: 7% (Bounty Program 7%, will be locked until April 2021)

Liquidity: is 15% and bscswap initial liquidity will be 50% of the amount raised in presale. Bscswap initial liquidity will remain locked for 2 year.

Presale: 40% of the total supply will be supplied. No lock


sVault NFT (CORE)
sVault NFT is a badge collection blockchain game, we call it CORE running on the Binance Smart Chain platform. Every badge is a NFT (Non-fungible Token) can be collected and Farming.

CORE, based on Binance Smart Chain (BEP721), is a utility token used throughout the sVault NFT ecosystem as a basis for transactions and interactions.

On sVault NFT , users are offered the opportunity to create unique collectibles and either sell or keep them for personal use. CORE owners have absolute control over their collectibles and can do whatever pleases them with it.



Development Roadmap
2020 – Q4

Token Sale.
Staking Activated.
Bscwap listing and liquidity Lock.
2021 – Q1

sCORE swap launch.
Bounty distribution.
Mobile app Staking development begins
2021 – Q2

Wallet development.
Listing on more exchanges.
2021 – Q3

IOS Application Launch.

Mobile app Staking launch.
2021 – Q4

Farming expansion.

Migration to sCORE Blockhain.
2022 – Q1

Partnership Announcement.

sCORE Full Swap Launch.




Bitcointalk Username: TINGYANK NEING YEING
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2550286
ETH Address: 0x83619D46140Ac7b3838C004c2B7Cfa3dA03EE3a2



Exchase is an innovative ecosystem of fintech services, which includes a trading platform (forex and crypto exchange), a payment system and an instant payment service, social trading (PAMM accounts), an exchanger, including a decentralized exchange (DEX) and binary options trading service. In the near future, the platform will have a number of new crypto services, including staking, custody, cryptocurrency hedge fund functionality, as well as a functional extension of social trading to a full-fledged social network for traders.


Also, approximately in Q2-Q3 2021, Exchase account holders will receive a personalized branded debit card with a credit limit, which can be used to pay for goods and services in crypto and fiat at a comparatively favorable rate. Using our own unique high-tech solutions, we have combined into one platform many popular services provided by some players in the crypto market and the classic fintech market.


In terms of services, the classic crypto exchange Exchase is targeting Binance as the market leader, aiming to surpass it technically in the years to come. We are betting that established industries are less flexible than startups like us.


Therefore, the idea of "catching up and overtaking" in relation to such seemingly unattainable market sharks is by no means unreasonable. As for the payment system and the instant money transfer system, Exchase has already implemented functionality similar to Western Union, but on a newer stack (.NET Core 3.1), which is much ahead of the hard-to-maintain and highly buggy solutions of this giant company. In addition, Exchase is the first platform to deliver such sophisticated functionality for cryptocurrency and fiat-crypto operations. Also, the debit card service and loan service are already in beta testing.


Market Analysis
As a rule, cryptocurrency traders do not have that many exchanges where it makes sense to trade. The most popular are
Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Huobi, and Bittrex. Regarding the functionality of social trading and social services for traders in general, their number is two times less, and here only InstaForex, AMarkets, and eToro are of any interest.


Market Problems
Based on the analysis of current proposals, we can display a general list of common problems. Insufficient level of security. Due to frequent hacks, users are afraid to keep their funds on exchanges. Therefore, our team with its cybersecurity department has made great efforts and conducted many tests that can guarantee almost 100% protection against hacking. Insufficient number of tools for technical analysis. The best option for successful trading is preparation. However, most of the exchanges do not provide users with the opportunity to conduct a detailed technical analysis of a particular currency. This stops both novice traders and experienced ones.


Lack of training materials. Nobody comes to the industry as a cool specialist. Quality tutorials are a great solution for any platform. The main goal of all market players is to make a profit, therefore the availability of basic materials that would teach how to trade, analyze charts and explain typical mistakes are an important component of any trading platform. Small pool of coins. Surprisingly, nowadays, most exchanges do not solve this important problem. Crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto pairs are practically the same on every platform. This is a significant disadvantage because as a result, it does not make the marketplaces unique and more attractive.


A very complicated verification procedure. The KYC procedure should not be too simple to protect against fraud, but not too complicated to simplify the work of users with the resource. Not all exchanges manage to find a middle ground in this matter. Complicated user interface and limited languages. An unpleasant situation when you come to a new platform and find Chinese localization there. But another important problem is a large number of graphs, tables, buttons, an incomprehensible interface, and untraceable logic of user behavior on the site.

Our Services
Crypto exchange
Margin trading
List your asset
Crypto wallet
Purchase EXSE tokens
Crypto Games
Money transfer system
Binary options
Social trading
Crypto loans


Token Detail
Name: EXSE token
Standart: ERC20
Symbol: EXSE
On sale: 1,000,000 EXSE


Private round
Starts: Dec 15, 2020 (12:00 AM GMT)
Tokens on sale: 1,000,000 EXSE
Ends: Dec 25, 2020(12:00 AM GMT)
Min. transaction amount: 50 EXSE / 0,02 ETH
Carried out through the smart contract: Ethereum blockchain
Decimals: 18
Exchange rate of tokens: 1 EXSE = 0.0004 ETH
Max. amount collected: 400 ETH


The use of funds of the first round
50%: Platfrom develompent
15%: Legal and bank accounts
15%: Obtaining a license to work with virtual assets (cryptocurrency license).
14%: PR and marketing
6%: Operating expenses


Dec, 2020

Launched a cryptocurrency exchange based on the B-book model
Jan, 2021

Opening bank accounts for the Exchase OÜ.
Mar, 2021

Deploy Android version to Google PlayMarket.
Apr, 2021

Margin trading.
Jun, 2021

Crypto loans.
Aug, 2021

Jan, 2021

Obtaining a license to work with virtual assets (cryptocurrency license).
Jan, 2021

Connection of liquidity providers, as part of the A-Book model implementation.
Apr, 2021

Deploy iOS version in AppStore.
May, 2021

Binary options.
Jun, 2021

Social trading


Team members & Advisors
Danila Prozorov

Andrei Versilov

Aditya Prakash


More information about the project:

White Paper:





The Cobalt lend platform is launching its ICO on October 31, 2020 (Halloween) and it will run for 30 Days. We are community based and powered lending protocol on the blockchain that enables community members to obtain micro loans from the treasury approved by community vote. Please see the website for complete details. We plan on removing the banks and their authoritarian control and fees from the lending process one community at a time. Come be part of the revolution, all you need is an ERC20 wallet.


The Cobalt lending platform aims to bring together borrowers into a fair democratic voting community in order to get all size loans from micro loans to six-figure loans all without the over sight of a bank, completely governed by the community and therefor the community directly profits from its’ involvement. The current credit system is fundamentally flawed and the Cobalt platform corrects this by facilitating a community voted and approved lending program on the blockchain that is completely based off the merits of the project, never seeing race, color, or individuals background. The only criteria considered for the loans will be merit of project and collateral provided by the borrower, then the community will be left to decide on funding the proposal or rejecting it.


Our Mission
We are here to serve the community! We got tired of seeing the people who could use capital the most, continually turned away for funding no matter how small and justified the loan. We aim to fix this by instituting a protocol on the blockchain that allows for community approved lending at minimal fees and low over head, with both the borrower and the community benefiting.


Why Choose Us?
Because we are you. We are the members of your community, your neighbors, and your friends. We have been here the whole time, why not join the revolution and take the power back from the banks who have controlled our finances long enough

Community involvement is the main objective of this ecosystem. This will be the number one priority when implementing any upgrade or change to the Cobalt Lend Protocol (IE: The Mobile Wallet with integrated EPNS).

24x7 Live Support
Result Oriented Projects
Dedicated Support Team
ROI & Tokenomics
Experienced Professionals


What does Cobalt Lend bring to the blockchain ecosystem?

Being able to lend excess capital to other borrowers within the ecosystem in times of surplus, in order to benefit from interest on the loan. Borrowing capital faster and easier then with traditional lending institutions all from you mobile phone.


The Cobalt Lend proprietary software enables cryptocurrency and credit card processing all together in one mobile Dapp – NO extra costly hardware needed. See more about how the Cobalt Lend Software Suite works here.


Cobalt Lend aims to bring together a blended community in order to facilitate borrowing and lending within the same community. This allows the community to benefit instead of the banks.


The current credit system is fundamentally flawed and the Cobalt Lend platform corrects this by facilitating a community voted and approved lending program on the blockchain that is completely based off the merits of the project, never seeing race, color, or individuals background. The only criteria considered for the loans will be merit of project and collateral provided by the borrower, then the community will be left to decide on funding the proposal or rejecting it. To learn more about community voting in the Cobalt lend ecosystem click here.


I hope you all enjoyed with my article and i think this article will update your knowledge about Cobalt Lend blockchain project. For me i loved their special care about small buisnesses and finance them to help them growing. Because many great ideas will goes to nothing due to lack of finance supplies. For this reason i specially thank to Cobalt Lend team and their vision.


Token Cobalt Information
Symbol: CBLT
Tags/Notes: No tags or notes
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000.00 CBLT
Market Cap: $ 0.00
Decimals: 18
Owner: 0x04054436a34055aFED575D2AE7d6555D05417562
Transfers: 121
Holders: 85


To get clearer information:

